Nested promises in node.js
In node.js promises give you return statements and error throwing, which you lose with continuation passing style. Example: var createJob = function(jobData){ if(!jobData){ console.log('Job data should not be empty!'); }else{ let jobData = []; let location = "San Francisco, CA California, US"; let locationArr = location.split(','); let stateName = locationArr[1].trim(); let country = locationArr[2].trim(); getCountryID(country).then(function(countryID){ jobData['countryID'] = (countryID>0 ? countryID : null); getStateID(stateName,countryID).then( function (stateID){ jobData['stateID'] = (stateID>0 ? stateID : null); return jobData; }); }, function(error) { console.log(error); }); } } function getCountryID(countryName){ var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { //You can write here your logic resolve( 25 ); //countryID }); return pr...